Departing from Ventura on June 15, we continued up the coast to Santa
Barbara. While burning time before
meeting photographer David Litschel and watercolor artist Martha Shilliday (friends of our mom) for lunch and a hike, we birded the Rocky Nook Park
next to the Santa Barbara Arboretum.
The oak woodland held a great diversity of bird life, with Hutton’s
Vireo, Bushtit, Acorn Woodpecker, Nuttall’s Woodpecker, and Oak Titmouse
calling from the trees (the latter two being lifers and California specialities),
Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Black Phoebe, Oregon Junco, and Spotted Towhee
calling from the underbrush, and Anna’s Hummingbird, American Crow, and Lesser
Goldfinches flying overhead.

Oak Titmouse - by Marcel Such
After lunch, we hiked in the Ellwood Mesa Open Space. Perhaps most well known as a premier
wintering location of Monarch butterflies in the Eucalyptus groves, it also
proved to be one of the birdiest spots of the trip. Extremely varied in habitat, we birded everything from
Chapparal, open grassland, beach, and riparian Sycamore. Here, we finally found our first
positively identified Allen’s Hummingbirds, which was a lifer. Other birds we found include California
Towhee, Yellow Warbler, Caspian Tern, Hooded Oriole, Oak Titmouse, Cooper’s
Hawk, and Black-chinned Hummingbird.

Hummingbird Paparazzi - by Renée Haip

Ellwood Mesa Open Space - by Renée Haip
Birding the beach below Ellwood - by Renée Haip
This reminded Joel and I of "Inception" - by Marcel Such
Allen's Hummingbird - by Joel Such
Hooded Oriole - by Joel Such
California Towhee - by Joel Such
Nojoqui Falls Park and Alisal Road was our next
destination. Even as we pulled off
the highway, the new habitat was apparent, with Western Bluebirds disappearing
off their barbed wire perches into the roadside grass in search of grasshoppers. The short hike up to the picturesque
Nojoqui Falls was fairly quiet with evening quickly approaching, but a
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Pacific-slope Flycatchers, Wrentit, and Canyon Wren were
all nice birds. Back down in the
open park, we were pleased to find a couple members of the resident
Purple Martin colony, a rare and local breeder in the west.

Alisal Road - by Renée Haip
Purple Martin - by Joel Such
Purple Martin - by Marcel Such
Joel inside a hollow oak - by Marcel Such
As a finale to this very fine day, we were fortunate enough
to spot a roadside Yellow-billed Magpie on the drive up to Santa Maria, where
we would spend the night. One of
the most anticipated target species of the trip, everyone was overjoyed to see
this yellow-mandibled cousin of our own Rocky Mountain magpie.
Yellow-billed Magpie - by Marcel Such
Yellow-billed Magpie - by Joel Such
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