At Goose Island State Park we visited a couple of campsites with feeders and a drip. Highlights included a Hermit Thrush and our first ever Clay-colored Sparrow. Down at the fishing dock, we witnessed a pelican feeding frenzy. Fishermen were cleaning fish and the Brown and American White Pelicans were feasting! The Brown Pelicans are especially habituated to humans and this easy source of food. The fishermen even gave us four fillets of Black Drum fish for our own meal and it was TASTY! That made for feast number three!
Herring Gull - by Joel Such
Brown Pelicans - by Joel Such
Brown Pelicans Waiting for Hand-outs - by Joel Such
Laughing Gulls Attempting to Steal from
a Lucky American White Pelican - by Marcel Such
Yes, Dad is still with us. We'll all be back on Sunday, but we'd like to talk him into another couple of days.
I am producing a special for National Geographic and interested in licensing some of your stills of brown pelicans. If you are interested, please email me at lepera34@gmail.com
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