At Mustang Island State Park we didn't see many birds except for Laughing Gulls, Black Skimmers, and Ring-billed and Herring Gulls, but we still went out to the end of the jetty to see if we could spot Northern Gannets. I (Marcel) got thoroughly soaked by a wave that washed over the jetty, and we didn't see any gannets. The Padre Island National Seashore was much more productive. Among the highlights were Sanderlings, a Piping Plover, and some Willets. At the visitor center we learned about how the ocean currents dump everybody's trash from all around the Gulf Coast and beyond right on the the Padre Island beaches. Even a helium balloon released from the mid-west will find its way to their beaches!

Herring Gull - by Marcel Such

Brown Pelican - by Renee Haip

Willet - by Marcel Such

Great Blue Heron - by Joel Such

Laughing Gull - by Renee Haip

Black Skimmer - by Marcel Such
We crossed over to Corpus Christi and continued southward to Highway 185, dubbed Hawk Alley by the local birders for obvious reasons. As the light began to fade on our day, we spotted many Harris's Hawks and a number of Crested Caracaras.
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