The glacially carved landscape of Yosemite National Park is
a place of extreme beauty. Bold
granite domes, lush meadows, tall waterfalls, and giant sequoias grace this
designated World Heritage Site.
Drawing crowds from all over the world, over 3.7 million people visit
the park each year and most of those folks crowd into the 7 square miles of
Yosemite Valley threatening to love the place to death. 95% of the park is designated as
wilderness and with elevations ranging from 2,127 to 13,114 feet and containing
five major vegetation zones, there is plenty to explore.
On the evening of June 23, we took our first foray into
Yosemite. Still needing to get in
our run for the day, we ran on the trails around Tuolumne Meadows while our
parents hiked around Lembert Dome and Soda Springs. Being a couple thousand feet higher than any other place on
the trip yet (8600’), we saw a good number of new species including Spotted
Sandpiper, Mountain Bluebird, Pine Grosbeak, and Cassin’s Finch. As the light began to fade, we slowly
made our way back down to Lee Vining near Mono Lake, stopping here and there
hoping to hear some owls, but only had a distant calling Common Poorwill!
Lembert Dome from Tuolumne Meadows - by Renée Haip
Anticipating the Sunday crowd in Yosemite Valley, we
departed at 4:45 AM and worked our way over Tioga Pass to the west side of the
park. Our plan was definitely a
good one, as we saw very few vehicles on the road and had every scenic pull off
to ourselves. By the time we
actually entered Yosemite Valley, the traffic was starting to pick up and by 9
am the place was swarming with tourists.
We had smartly nabbed a parking spot and walked or took the free
shuttle to our destinations of choice.
First glimpse of Half Dome (Olmstead Point).
By Renée Haip
Another View of Half Dome.
By Renée Haip
Another view of Half Dome, depicting the reality of Yosemite Valley!
By Renée Haip
For our time in the valley, we went on a few short
hikes. First, we worked our way
from the parking area to the base of Yosemite Falls. Plummeting off a 2,325-foot cliff, Yosemite Falls is the
highest waterfall in North America.
Vaux’s and White-throated Swifts swirled around above the old growth oak
and pine forests where we saw birds such as Acorn, Hairy, and White-headed
Woodpeckers, Cassin’s Vireos, Hermit Thrushes, Golden-crowned Kinglets,
Chestnut-backed Chickadees, Canyon Wrens, Nashville and Hermit Warblers,
Western Tanagers, and Black-headed Grosbeaks. In a small rocky brook downstream from the Lower Yosemite
Fall, we saw our first American Dipper of the trip.
Hiking through the meadows of Yosemite Valley - by Renée Haip

Yosemite Falls - by Renée Haip
Cassin's Vireo - by Joel Such
California Ground-Squirrel - by Marcel Such
Western Tanager - by Joel Such
Vaux's Swift - by Joel Such
Next, we took the shuttle to the trailhead for Mirror Lake. During this time of year, the lake vanishes, but Tenaya Creek is flowing. This nice little hike provided Mallards, a Western Wood-Pewee, a Cassin's Vireo, Chestnut-backed Chickadees, Brown Creepers, Golden-crowned Kinglets, Yellow Warblers, Song Sparrows, a Black-headed Grosbeak, and a Bullock's Oriole. A small marshy area held dragonflies such as Four-spotted Skimmers, Twelve-spotted Skimmers, and Common Whitetails.
Hike to Mirror Lake - by David Such
Four-spotted Skimmer - by Joel Such
Yellow Warbler - by Joel Such
Tailed Copper - by Joel Such
By mid-afternoon, we joined the masses and headed out toward
Glacier Point to enjoy the views, which did not disappoint. In the evening, we hiked to McGurk Meadow hoping to at least hear, if not actually see a Great Gray Owl. Hiking three-quarters of a mile through
upper montane forest, we arrived at a lush meadow overrun with blood-sucking
mosquitoes. In the fading light,
we started to hear the drumming of at least three Black-backed
Woodpeckers. Eventually we found
one of the elusive Black-backed Woodpeckers in the top of a tall dead snag! A Calliope Hummingbird, calling
Red-breasted Nuthatches, a Dark-eyed Junco on a nest, and singing Lincoln’s Sparrows were also present along
with a Long-tailed Weasel scurrying across the trail. Waiting patiently for any hint of a Great Gray Owl, we heard
the screech of a young bird!
Following the sound, we heard it a few more times along with a band of
scolding Steller’s Jays and Mountain Chickadees. We sat on the edge of the meadow hoping to get a bit
luckier, but sadly we never saw the owl.
However, in the dim light, we enjoyed a spectacular aerial show of
leaping brook trout snatching mosquitoes over the small pools of water in the
The iconic Tunnel View overlook - by David Such
Half Dome from Glacier View - by David Such
Common Raven - by Joel Such
McGurk Meadow - by David Such
Black-backed Woodpecker - by Joel Such
Oregon Junco Nest - by Joel Such
Brook Trout - by Joel Such
On our way to lodging in Oakhurst, we stopped at the
Mariposa Grove and studied the Giant Sequoias in the moonlight! The next morning, after sleeping in for
a change, we headed back into Yosemite to see the fabled Mariposa Grove in the
daylight. Arriving at 10 am, the
parking lot was packed and we had to drive farther down the road to Wawona to
catch a shuttle bus with every seat and every inch of the aisle crammed tightly
with passengers. On our way
to the oldest tree in the grove, the “Grizzly Giant,” a fifteen-inch sugar pine
cone (aka widow maker) plummeted from the sky missing us by a couple feet. I jumped back in response and took a
big fall landing atop a sharp-edged rock and spent the rest of my time limping
back to the parking lot. Marcel
continued on through a less traveled section of the grove and added a lot more
species to the Mariposa Grove list including Red-breasted Sapsucker, Hairy and
White-headed Woodpecker, a Townsend’s Solitaire feeding a fledgling, and
Pacific Wren.
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