Thanks to the American Birding Association and Leica for putting on this annual competition. A big thanks also goes to the judges for the time and effort they spent evaluating work and providing thoughtful feedback. We enjoyed it, learned a lot, and encourage other young birders to participate in this event.
Marcel's Photography Samples

Lincoln Sparrow
Melospiza lincolnii
Neotropic Cormorants
Phalacrocorax brasilianus
Calidris alpina
Laughing Gulls
Larus atricilla
Joel's Illustration Samples
Williamson's Sapsucker
Sphyrapicus thyroideus
Charadrius vociferus
Juvenile American Robin illustration from Field Journal
Joel's Field Journal Samples
Journal Entry - 2 Page Spread
Journal Entry for Western Scrub-Jay
ABA/Leica Young Birder of the Year
2008 Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2008 ABA/Leica Young Birder of the Year Contest, and thanks to all who participated in the event.
Overall 2008 Young Birder of the Year
Joel Such (Age 10), Lyons, CO
Notebook Module
Ages 10-13 - Joel Such (Age 10), Lyons, CO
Ages 10-14 - Harold Eyster (Age 14), Chelsea, MI
Ages 10-13 - Joel Such (Age 10), Lyons, CO
Ages 10-14 - Harold Eyster (Age 14), Chelsea, MI
Ages 10-13 - Megan O'Brien (Age 13), San Jose, CA; Dakota Outcalt (Age 11), Rockford, IL
Ages 14-18 - Sarah MacLean (Age 16), Escondido, CA
Ages 10- 13 - Marcel Such (Age 12), Lyons, CO
Ages 14-18 - Malkolm Boothroyd (Age 16), Whitehorse, Yukon
Great job!
You both rocked it- great examples of your work here!!
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