It's been a while since we've posted anything. We've been journaling, not blogging. Since our last entry, we've seen some cool birds.
April 2nd - Walden Ponds. Here's what Marcel wrote at the time: "Migrants are starting to come through Colorado! At Walden Ponds on Thursday, the 2nd of April, this was starting to become evident. Among the highlights from that day were two American Avocets, a Wilson's Snipe, a pair of Cinnamon Teal, a couple of Killdeer and a MEW GULL!!! There were also a bunch of Redheads in Wally Toevs Pond. When we were here on Tuesday, the 31st of March, the highlights were one American Avocet, some Killdeer, a male Blue-winged Teal, a male Blue-winged x Cinnamon Teal hybrid, and a Franklin's Gull."

Mew Gull - by Marcel Such
Mew Gull - by Joel Such
Ring-billed Gull with Mew Gull in Background - by Joel Such
Canada Goose - by Joel Such
April 3rd - Joel wrote: "On our way back from town, there were about 40 Mountain Bluebird's flying all around the ground and fence posts at the bottom of Spring Gulch! They looked like shards of the sky fluttering all around!"
April 6th - A big day at our house totaling twenty species! Highlights were first of season Turkey Vulture, a Cooper's Hawk, Western and Mountain Bluebirds.
Pine Siskin - by Joel Such
Male House Finch - by Joel Such
April 10th - We birded some of the local lakes between Lyons and Longmont. Highlights were a Great Horned Owl, Common Grackles, and Common and Hooded Mergansers.
April 11th - Joel mostly birded at Stonebridge Farm, with the exception of his planting a few onions before the birds called him again. The rest of us planted thousands of onions and leeks. His highlight was a pair of Black-capped Chickadees going in and out of a nesting cavity.
Working at Stonebridge Farm
Joel's Journal Page
April 15th - Tax Day for most of you, but another birding day for us! We birded around Lyons, while Mom was volunteering at the hospital with our dog, Kelly ... a therapy dog. Highlights were a Golden Eagle, first of season White-throated Swifts, and an "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler along with a flock of American Goldfinches.
1 comment:
Great shots. All of my siskin shots seem to be dark!
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