December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve Along the South Platte

Yesterday, December 24th, our family birded the South Platte River by Chatfield State Park with our cousin Victor and Aunt Diane.  We started birding at 4 o'clock PM, and the light on the water was magical.  The river was loaded with waterfowl! A Dunlin had been reported here a couple of days ago, and Victor and Aunt Diane had seen it the previous day.  And, we saw it today!  It was with several Killdeer and a couple American Pipits between a foot bridge and C-470 in the river on a sandbar.  

Male Belted Kingfisher Diving - by Joel Such

Male Common Goldeneye - by Marcel Such

Dunlin - by Joel Such

Gadwall - by Marcel Such

American Pipit - by Renee Haip

Female Hooded Merganser - by Joel Such

American Coot - by Marcel Such

American Coot - by Joel Such

Bird Count for the South Platte River:
Canada Goose - 18
Gadwall - 20
American Wigeon - 10
Mallard - 30
Northern Shoveler - 20
Green-winged Teal - 15
Bufflehead - 2 males, 2 females
Common Goldeneye - 6 males, 4 females
Hooded Merganser - 2 males, 2 females
Common Merganser - 3 males, 2 females
Red-tailed Hawk - 4
American Kestrel - 1 male
American Coot - 1
Killdeer - 6
Dunlin - 1
Ring-billed Gull - 1
Belted Kingfisher - 1 male
Black-billed Magpie - 3
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1
American Robin - 15
European Starling - 4
American Pipit - 4

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