December 16, 2008

Birding at Home

Today it was really active around our house!  We saw 17 species total and 5 sub-species of Dark-eyed Juncos.  All of our normal feeder birds were around.  While we were sledding, two Common Ravens were calling as they flew by the house.  Around 3:45 PM, we watched two Golden Eagles (an adult and an immature) fly over.   At 4 PM, we noticed that it was actually above freezing with the temperature reaching 34˚ F.
Gray-headed Junco - by Joel Such

Pink-sided Junco - by Joel Such

Bird Count:
Golden Eagle - 1 adult, 1 immature
Downy Woodpecker - 1 male, 1 female
Hairy Woodpecker - 1 male, 1 female
Steller's Jay - 2
Black-billed Magpie - 2
American Crow - 1
Common Raven - 2
Black-capped Chickadee - 2
Mountain Chickadee - 2
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 male, 1 female
Pygmy Nuthatch - 6
Townsend's Solitaire - 1
American Robin - 2
"Slate-colored" Dark-eyed Junco - 3
"Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco - 2 females
"Pink-sided" Dark-eyed Junco - 10
"White-winged" Dark-eyed Junco - 2
"Gray-headed" Dark-eyed Junco - 8
House Finch - 1 male, 1 female
Pine Siskin - 10
American Goldfinch - 1

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