We arose at 5:45 AM to get a bite to eat and be out at Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge by 6:40 AM. The geese were absent at their usual roosting lake, so we figured they’d flown earlier than usual or had roosted on some other body of water or had decided to move on north last night. We scoped the waterfowl on Crane Lake and then suddenly noticed a mass of flying white geese to the northwest. We headed that direction and found Snow and Ross’s Geese feeding in a freshly harvested field. Along with them were some Sandhill Cranes, some of which were “dancing!” After a while, the geese rose up together in flight to descend over to yet another feeding area. What a sight! We also saw some Ferruginous Hawks at this preserve and our first Black-billed Magpies since leaving home!

Sandhill Cranes Feeding and Dancing
Fly Away
Snow and Ross's Geese - by Joel Such
Ferruginous Hawk - by Marcel Such
Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge - by Renee Haip
Our last birding stop of the day was Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge south of Raton, NM. Notable here was our first of year Mountain Bluebirds. When we eventually arrived home around 3 PM, we noticed that the Mountain Bluebirds had returned to the higher elevations in our absence!