As expected, the juncos returned in the first week of October and the winter flocks of nuthatches and chickadees are coming through. An unexpected bird was a Northern Shrike that showed up on November 5th. It may be staying for the winter, as we saw it again on November 20th.
Northern Shrike - by Marcel Such, 11-5-08
Around noon today we went down to Baseline Reservoir in Boulder to look for a Long-tailed Duck that had been reported earlier today. The lighting was good, and we searched for over a half-hour with no success. We also searched for a Barrow's Goldeneye among the hordes of Commons, but with no success.
Bird Count for Baseline Reservoir:
Canada Goose - 15
Mallard - 2 males, 2 females
Bufflehead - 2 males, 5 females
Common Goldeneye - 30, half males, half females
Hooded Merganser - 1 male
Red-breasted Merganser - 4 females
Unidentified Raptor - 1
Ring-billed Gull - 20
American Goldfinch - 2
After Baseline we went to an overlook of Hillcrest Reservoir, part of the Valmont Power Plant cooling lakes.
Bird Count for Hillcrest Reservoir:
Gadwall - 1
Canvasback - 4
Red-breasted Merganser - 4 females
Pied-billed Grebe - 4
Red-tailed Hawk - 1
American Coot - 10
Rock Pigeon - 20
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